Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Radio Happenings April 16, 2023..


APRIL 23RD MS WALK De Pere-  Contact Robert KA9BXG to help
MAY 6, Spring Swapfest 2023 – Ozaukee Radio Club       
 MAY 11TH – Siren Test Net – 11:45 –Noon
 MAY 12th – M&K Club Meeting 

**Busy Times*
 Now is the time that we can be busy using our radios to help out our communities. The requests are coming in for assistance to help provide tracking and notices for medical help. The various agencies such as the Muscular Distrophy, have walk/run events to bring attention to their needs and be a fund raiser.
    We have been assisting with keeping a watch over the participants being in a van going along the route or at a water/break station. The event does not take long and it is in W.DePere. If you want to assist, contact Robert Duescher at ka9bxg@gmail.com


Our Treasurer reported that the US Postal Service has sent their annual bill for our PO Box.. But the price has grown beyond what is felt to be reasonable $194 per year. This was presented to the membership at the last meeting. As most of the usable mail is payments for dues, the membership voted to change the official mail address to be the same as the Treasurer’s. You will see it on the Header of the Club letter. 3004 Quarry Park Dr #10, DePere, WI  54115

        ####   CLUB HAMFEST  ###

  Be sure to check the K9EAM.ORG website for the flyer. This event is our big one! June 3rd which is not that far away anymore.  There is still a need for more help to make this the success like it was last year and perhaps a little better. We have heard that there may be more commercial vendors this year as well as Tower Electronics.

  A lot of those that helped last year, were present at the meeting last Thursday and signed up again for this year. A lot of good comments came out. 


Still need some signups for different areas including setting up on Friday afternoon/evening June 2nd and of course- taking down/clean up at the end. Sign up –Todd W9GRB toddclausen@yahoo.com or Dave KD9HJJ  dziesmer@wi.rr.com


&&&&  Field Day  &&&&
 A meeting took place last Monday to begin to plan the activities and setup for Field day.

  A new location for this. Four Seasons Park in Hobart. One way of getting there from the center of Green Bay, is to take West Mason Westward until you reach Overland Road. Then go North on Overland Road a few miles until you get to Four Seasons Drive on the left. Here are some pictures.


 The Club EComm Trailer will be there. It has a Kenwood TS-570 HF radio. There are three 80-6 OCF antennas, rope, coax, an expandable pole, some stub filters, a vhf/hf radio. The batteries are found as DOA but have a generator. The Club has purchased two laptops last year for logging. Logging is very important for this event (contest)

    If you want to be sure you are going to be  able to operate something other than phone (voice), you may want to bring something you are familiar with. Having headphones to keep from interfering with others is important too.

    The original purpose for Field Day, is in case of an emergency, to be able to set up your equipment to pass messages from an area that has been mostly destroyed from some event. This gives you a chance to see how portable you and your equipment are. 

        Times for gathering has not been defined yet.. usually we meet for breakfast…(this year because of location changes) we might be meeting at the Bay Family Restaurant. Then heading out from there.  We usually have a Pot Luck Dinner that evening.. more on that later.. the logging will be made easier with a long distance Mesh system so stations can be tied together..
                                         GreenBay Mike&Key Club Meetings:

May 11th–The Tower Room, 4th floor of the G-M Science Bldg. (elevator) 7PM. (sometimes a Tech Talk at 6:30)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/atfy36sxq


 73 Stay Radio Active

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