September? Are you immersed into the season already? Last time - I said that the apple tree was losing leaves.. nothing left now.. Labor Day is a week old already... Slow Down World!! Almost like looking at a movie that has everything zooming right at you... or did you see the typhoon that hit China and Viet Nam?
Congrats to the new Bay-Lakes Amateur Radio Club (Scouts) as they start to grow and become more active. . They have a radio station set up at Bear Paw Scout Camp in one of the new buildings on a hill. The GBM&K Club has reached out to them offering assistance such as VE testing and additional radio stations for events. Our Club members have helped in the past and your help may be asked for..
By the way, they are in need of more working equipment. So as you look around your shack and wonder how to minimize.-- .They are a 501(c)3 if you need a tax deduction ..
At the coming meeting Thursday, you will hear of the upcoming schedule of events being planned for.. but need your input for their success.. attend .. zoom is still working.. the link is listed in the right column of the website under "Meetings"
As we look into the future --
Scheduling Calendar
September 11th... Siren Test Net .. Siren list attached ..
September 12th .. 7pm GBM&K meeting / Tech Talk @ 6:30
Tech Talk presented by Walt KE9TT.. Making your Baluns & Ununs for wire antennas ....
September 17th .. CQ Tuesday ;.
September 20 -21... HRO SuperFest .. Milwaukee... (see billboard above)
Looking into next month..
October 5th . Kewaunee Lighthouse
October 19th Jamboree On The Air (Scouts) ..
October is also when we think about Club Elections. Nominations for members of the Executive Board. The Green Bay Mike & Key Club is a Corporation that you are a part of. We have an Annual Meeting in November. That is when you elect the members of the Board that help navigate the direction of the Club. Nominations will begin in October and conclude at the Annual Meeting. Why not consider being nominated as a member of the Board. That is one way to help guide the Club toward new interests ... ..
There are some good events being considered... but before they can get off the ground, chairpersons will be needed... This could be you!! Don't worry, there are always people that will help even though they do not want to be "in charge".
It is only at the Annual Meeting that ByLaw changes are voted on...
Opps .. just in... hot off the CAT5.. a letter from our Club President.
Did you go to the club picnic? It was a super event…plenty of great food…corn on the cob, burgers, brats, and lots of delicious side dishes and desserts. The beautiful Osprey Point Park along with perfect weather made for a great day! All thanks (except for the weather…) goes to Dave, KD9HJJ, Wes, W9WES, Gene AB9GK, Paul, KB0P, and Dave, N8KQS, the Picnic Committee members. Special thanks also to the members and XYLs who provided the side dishes and desserts. What a team effort!!
If you haven’t been to a meeting in a while, please try to make it on September 12. Here are a few of the items we’ll be talking about. Fox Hunt on September 26. We learned the basics from Rick, W9OBB and Keith, KS9WI at the August meeting and we’ll get all the details at the September meeting. During October the club will be supporting Scouting activities and Dave, N8KQS will explain how we can all get involved in helping young people learn about Amateur Radio. Walt, KE9TT will introduce the club’s 85th anniversary operating event. We’ll talk about the Christmas Holiday party and discuss the upcoming election to be conducted at the November meeting. The Tech Talk this month will be presented by Walt who will explain how to make your own baluns and un-uns for wire antennas.
One other item before I sign off. Recently you may have heard some disgusting language and comments on the 147.120 repeater. The Board of Directors has taken this very seriously and officially notified the party concerned that these transmissions must immediately cease, are unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. We hope that this will put an end to it, but if not, we are prepared to take additional steps. (It’s too bad we have to deal with this sort of thing…we have a wonderful hobby, and we need to keep it that way.)
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about our club. hope to see you at the meeting and 73, Bill, KB3KYH (302) 537-4755
EDITOR NOTE: The minutes of the last meeting, the financial report, the siren list and the Ground Wave were all attached to the newsletter via email.