Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Please Volunteer For The Following..


 **Need one more person per shift for the next Brat Barn Fund Raiser on Saturday,  May 7th... Starting from 9 AM two hour shifts but if you can stay longer it would be great! Mother's Day weekend-- so this is usually the busiest Brat Barn day...  This will be at the De Pere Festival... contact Keith, KS9WI, at ks9wi@new.rr.com or 920-619-3394.

**June 4th is the Club Sponsored Hamfest... It takes a bunch of us to make this happen... Friday the 3rd, there is a need for a group to assist in setting up the room with tables and chairs/ marking the tables .... on Saturday, the need is for assisting with the parking, monitoring the room, giving tickets, talk in, the area where there are the trunk sales, door prizes/ticket stubs, Public  Address announcer, parking lot access control..  Signs along the roads,  and of course -- after 12 noon,  putting the tables and chairs back and cleaning up...    If you can help in any capacity, please contact KBØP at kb0p@yahoo.com so he can see if we have enough help to even have the hamfest..  We can do this!!

** Still need 3 more radio operators for the CellCom Marathon operations in the main medical communications tent on Sunday, May 15th... any licensed operator, do not need to be a Club member... Radios will be furnished, as well as lunch and a shirt.  ..  When signing up, pick on the job square, scroll down and pick “Medical Communications- Amateur Radio” Here is the link to sign up.. https://www.comevolunteer.com/events/13972-cellcom-green-bay-marathon-medical/volunteer .. be sure to see the schedule... 
The tent will be at the corner of Holmgren and McCarthy..

Monday, April 18, 2022


 You are welcome to join the fellow ham operators at the Bay Motel Family Restaurant for lunch.. Usually ordering around 11:45AM ... Not required to be a Club member.. all welcome and bring your significant other if you wish.. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

World Amateur Radio Day... APRIL 18th


Radio Happenings April 13, 2022..



April 13th.. Siren Test Net 
April 14th.. M&K Club Meeting.. 
April 15th .. Good Friday for some.. 
April 17th .. Easter Sunday… 

Brat Barn Fund Raiser

 Our first fund raiser was the Brat Barn at the Festival Foods on the West side of DePere on Saturday, April 9th. The day was good as well as the volunteers that came out to provide service to our customers..  Hear the $ results at the meeting on this Thursday.   

April 4 -8 Storm/Tornado Awareness Week ..

 Thanks to all that participated during the test on April 7th.  There were 19 check ins and we were able to hear most of the sirens at 1:45..

  Our check in list was sent to the Emergency Management Dept.. 

Mike and Key Club Ham Fest June 4th.!!!

 Plans continue to be grafted into a working model for the “swap”. Diagrams, sketches and numbers are put into Excel sheets and Google maps to lay out a flow of traffic.

 A lot of things to consider--  table layout, food, parking, setting up and taking down etc…                              The biggest factor -the people resource. Not the customers – but the volunteers to make this happen. If all those that raised their hand and voted for this event, volunteered.. no problem…    Please plan now to volunteer for this…  A list of positions will be at the next meeting to signup .. This Thursday…

    Welcome to those that have moved to our area !

     Over the last couple of weeks, we have been receiving calls from Operators that have been moving into our area and looking at joining the local Radio Club.  They have said that they have heard good things and hope to be a part of it..  We may see them at the next meeting… 


  After the last couple of events some items have turned up missing.. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of  1. A Beofang U5r radio missing since the Club Christmas party ///  The rolls of tickets from the Club Banquet – please let a member of the Club Board know. 


Meeting this Thursday. In person or on Zoom. The Zoom information can be found on the K9EAM.ORG website. Right side column.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) staff has clarified in response to an ARRL request that the new $35 application fee will not apply to most license modifications, including those to upgrade an amateur radio licensee's operator class and changes to club station trustees. The FCC staff explained that the new fees will apply only to applications for a new license, renewal, rule waiver, or a new vanity call sign. As previously announced, the new fees take effect on April 19, 2022.


  The Cellcom Marathon is on again this year!! They are looking for 10 radio operators on May 15th from 6AM to 2PM.. (just need five more at this time) could be shorter depending which area you will be working with. Radios will be furnished.. You will be operating from inside a large tent with the other operators.. Each operator will be in contact with a couple of the route Med stations reporting need of medical attention… When signing up, pick on the job square and pick “Medical Communications- Amateur Radio” Here is the link to sign up.. https://www.comevolunteer.com/events/13972-cellcom-green-bay-marathon-medical/volunteer

  There is a short training a couple of days before the event and a party a week later.. see you there. Lunch and snack provided…

That’s it for this email/ Newsletter.…


Stay Radio Active..


Monday, April 4, 2022

Radio Happenings 4-3-22


Radio Happenings

April 3, 2022..

April 5th.. Voting
April 7th.. 1:45 pm Storm Week net (check in please)
April 9th …Brat Barn at De Pere Festival.
April 13th.. Siren Test Net
April 14th.. M&K Club Meeting..

Brat Barn Fund Raiser
Our first fund raiser is the Brat Barn at the Festival Foods on the West side of DePere on Saturday, April 9th. On the South side of Main Street. We have some slots filled already, but we are in need of at least two more for the 9AM shift.. If you can help, please contact Keith at 920-619-3394 or ks9wi@new.rr.com
Another way of helping, is to come to the Barn and purchase a brat or burger or even both.. open ‘til 5

April 4 - 8 Storm / Tornado Awareness Week
Be sure to take some time this week to discuss the possibility of a storm with your family. Where to go, what to do, how to stay in communication with each other. You may want to check to see if your flashlight batteries are still good or have turned to acid and wrecked the flashlights..

Put away outdoor equipment that might blow around and break windows or other things..

Thursday April 7th There will be a Storm Net starting around 1:30pm on the 147.120 repeater.. with it ending with the sounding of the county sirens (if they decide to sound them- if there is a real storm in the area, they may not be activated. Please check in. Our county has had great response from the Ham Community in the past.. The results of the net will be sent to the Emergency Management Dept.

Do you have rotator for an antenna for sale/barter? Not sure if they are in need for the controller as well.. but you can contact : K9STN, Stan at k9stn@fastmail.com

Mike & Key Club Hamfest June 4th.. 
Plans continue to be grafted into a working model for the “swap”. Diagrams, sketches and numbers are put into Excel sheets and Google maps to lay out a flow of traffic. A lot of things to consider-- table layout, food, parking, Flyers, tickets, setting up and taking down etc…

The biggest factor -the people resource. Not the customers – but the volunteers to make this happen. If all those that raised their hand and voted for this event, volunteered.. no problem… Please plan now to volunteer for this… Thanks in advance.. Volunteer sign up will come out when positions are determined.

    Over the last couple of weeks, we have been receiving calls from Operators that have been moving into our area and looking at joining the local Radio Club. They have said that they have heard good things and hope to be a part of it.. We may see them at the next meeting…

After the last couple of events some items have turned up missing.. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of 1. A Beofang U5r radio missing since the Club Christmas party or 2. The rolls of tickets from the Club Banquet – please let a member of the Club Board know.

A few changes in the Club website.. a list of the Officers of the Club.. It has been updated. It helps for when people are looking to ask questions about the M&K Club. (K9EAM.org) 

Just in… 
The Cellcom Marathon is on again this year!! They are looking for 10 radio operators on May 15th from 6AM to 2PM.. could be shorter depending where on the route you’re on. When signing up, pick on the job square and pick “Medical Communications- Amateur Radio” Here is the link to sign up.. Cellcom Marathon Radio Operator  There is a short training a couple of days before the event and a party a week later.. see you there.. 

Looks like good weather for the Brat Barn next weekend.. stop by.. have one or two and bring some home for supper… or lend a hand for a while and meet some of your fellows and ladies.. 

That’s it for this email/ Newsletter.… Stay RadioActive.