Last week I put up my homebrew EndFed antenna.. hooked to a 9:1 Grey box .. up 25 feet in the Maple.. It was 77 feet long.. I thought it was working well.. In my morning net to our Roundtable Net group, I mentioned it.. Did not take long for the emails to come rolling in on what I should have done! Today I put up the gray box at 28 feet with a wire 84 feet long.. Yes, there is a splice in it... I have not tested it yet.. had to come in and put this out today.. stay tuned. I won't mention the counterpoise..
Here is the article about the length of the wire... randomwireantennalengths.html
The M&K Radio Club voted to have 7 members on the board. There were 8 nominated. The ones elected, met this week and picked the officer positions.. Starting January 1st, 2025, President - Bill Duveneck, KB3KYH | Vice President - Sam Reid, W9SJR | Treasurer - John Wolfe, WØLFE | Secretary - Todd Clausen, W9GRB. David Ziesmer, KD9HJJ, Paul Racine, KBØP, and Dave Catalano, N8KQS will be the Members-at-large.
One of our elder members needs some assistance with his tower/antenna. I do not have the details but if you and/or someone are willing to help him out, give WB9TQW, Francis Fournier a call at 920-660-9111. It fits in with the season 

The Christmas/Anniversary Party on December 13th is moving along.. at the time of this letter, there were 38 signed up.. The flyer for the event will be attached below..(in email) Because it is in miniature print, please send checks to KD9HJJ as seen on the bottom of the flyer.. There still is a White Elephant exchange.. If you bring one you will get one.. If you do not want one, do not bring any.. But if you do bring one, be sure it is in good taste... I know that some were opened and then quickly disposed of... Please do not bring more than one.. it creates a problem...
Please take note that there will NOT be a meeting in December. Usually we have the Christmas party on the meeting night, but this year, the facility has been reserved by someone else.. that is why the party is on a Friday Night..
Have a great Thanksgiving, and a safe Hunt, and drive safely..