Thursday, June 13, 2013

Field Day 2013

Public Demo of Emergency Communications June 22-23
In the Green Bay area, the Green Bay Mike & Key Club will be demonstrating Amateur Radio at the Sports Complex at 3385 Finger Road June 22 and 23rd.

The public is invited to come and see ham radio’s new capabilities and learn how to get their own FCC radio license before the next disaster strikes.

For more info, see
For any hams interested in helping set up, we plan to start with a breakfast at Aurora Hospital at 8 am with setup beginning at 10AM. There is plans for a cookout Sat evening at 6. The club will provide brats and soda. Please bring a dish to pass and any other meat you would like to burn.Also please bring your own eating utensils Any ham in the area is welcome, also feel free to bring your family. Lets try to get more participation this year. We will be running 5A this year with the callsign K9EAM.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tower at St. Norbert

Saturday the tower a top St. Norbert college was removed. Construction on the JM Science building is in full swing. Some air handler equipment directly below the tower and next to, necessitated the temporary removal of the tower.

The renovation project will take a couple years to complete. When it's done, the building will be know as the Gehl-Mulva science building.

In the mean time, we have relocated the antennas for D-Star/ APRS and 802.11 link (to Scray's hill) on a mast pipe off one of the colleges other antennas.

The 802.11 link to the WFRV tower is used for Skywarn weather spotting.

APRS was recently used for the Lombardi middle school balloon launch.

A special thanks to St. Norbert college and Mr. Downard for their continued accommodation. Also, thanks to everyone who helped with the take-down.