Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Radio Happenings 1,20.2025


 Have you been taking photos of your thermometer ? Just to remind you in the summer how you really don't mind the summer heat.. 
image.png I have noticed that the SWR slightly changes with the temperature on my wire antenna.. must be the shrinkage factor.
      A couple of new things that I have dialed in on by accident.. ever heard of  Radio Garden.? On the internet, it provides a map of the world with all the locations of commercial radio stations.. You are able to find the stations that you used to listen to back when and listen again... No, it does not go back in time .. but current radio. 
    At least with Tube Radio.. it helped warm up the "shack". 
 On the ham radio side .. Many of us have tried the FT 8 digital program .. well - have you heard of "JS8Call".? It is a derivative of the WSJT-X application. Restructured for keyboard-to-keyboard message passing. IF you see a call sign that you want to "talk" with. you can pick on that call and it is like sending a notice that you are calling. then you both can "talk" via keyboard. 
       On the coldest day..  is CQ Tuesday... the 21st.
Talking about cold.. Winter Field Day is coming up .. January 25th and 26th. As of now, there is not a GBM&K committee setting this up for running with this.. If you are interested, look up Winter Field Day 2025 to see what is required.. Even if it is not a Club event, you can still participate.  
image.pngAs we  try to ignore Winter, maybe by looking at the seed catalogs or travel guides. (sneak peek at other catalogs) Plans are already being made for the
Club Hamfest (see flyer on the website or facebook ) and reservations for Field Day are being set ... 
  How good is your design talent?  Suggestions were made to change the Club Logo... you can see it on the Website.. Perhaps simplify it for ease of duplicating it for shirts, jackets and caps.. have an idea? Bring a drawing of it to the Club meeting.. or send it through the Club Email address of .                image.png
  Wisconsin QSO Party is coming on Sunday, March 9th. from 1PM to 8PM.  All the 2025 rules have not been finalized as of this date. I have heard that they are contemplating more award categories.  You can participate  from home, or mobile or set up a station in a different county for a few points more...    Not on HF? Ask someone you know that has indicated they will be participating in this event and ask if you can join in with them/him/her.     

 Talking about March.. it so happens to be the deadline for submitting dues.

         Stay Radio Active...  P.S. The crank up tower has been sold.. Thanks... 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Radio Happenings 1.3.2025



Christmas Party
 January 8th Siren Test Net .. 11:45AM 147.120 see attached list  
 January 9th GBM&K Club meeting.. 7PM  / 6:30PM Tech Talk- Nick              Marto,KB9UAE - Flex Radio.. 
   January 21st  CQ Tuesday .. 

I hope you enjoyed the Holidays and had plenty of time to get on the air.  I did a little DXing in early December, but the Christmas “rush” kept me pretty busy with other activities including our club Holiday/Anniversary Party.  We had a lot of fun with a nice group of over fifty members and guests.  Thanks to Dave, KD9HJJ for putting the whole thing together.   

Please attend the January meeting where we’ll be talking about events and activities for 2025.  Topics will include Field Day, the Hamfest, Brat Barns, Ham of the Year, plus others.  This will be an opportunity for you to suggest club activities or initiatives you would like to see in 2025. 

Our January Tech Talk will feature Nick Marto, KB9UAE who will be explaining and demonstrating the operational capabilities of his new Flex radio.   Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about this state-of-the-art software defined Ham radio technology.  

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about our club.

See you at the meeting…73,

Bill, KB3KYH

(302) 537-4755

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Radio Note 12.14.2024


 Here it is Saturday December 14th.  Yesterday was a great day for the Club. Over 50 members, their spouses and widows gathered at the Village Grill for a celebration of the Season and 85 years as a group of Ham Radio enthusiasts ... After a great plated meal, Bill KB3KYH, also known as Mr. President, gave an interesting history of those 85 years.  
  A great feeling as I watched people I have not seen in a long time come in.. and those I only knew by voice or call sign...  Isn't that part of the season? 
  To those that could not make it for one reason or another (I almost was not able to go either) We missed you and hope we can get an Eyeball QSO at another event or meeting... 

   Now for a timely request..  We participate in community events.  The Salvation Army has reached out to us for some assistance.. not with our radios, but spending some time ringing the bell at a location.. (not all locations are outdoors)  If you can spend a few moments (Bring a friend or child) to ring the bell, Please contact Bill, KB3KYH, at 920-857-9054. He will be ringing also..  Ringing the bell does increase the donations... Be part of it.

  From Our Shack to Yours....