Getting involved with things.
Over the past year / months a lot of general chatter and some club announcements have been made on the Green Bay Mike and Club's Facebook group.
We will try to keep things posted here as well as we have been doing, as the club website serves as a public point of information and contact to officers etc.
CQ Tuesday Lunch gatherings are held at the Bay Family Restaurant on Military Ave. They are held the second Tuesday each month and start at 11:30am. This tradition was started by the late Jerry Van, W9VOW when he owned the Downtowner.
Dale, WB9NRK still holds the weekly 2 meter net on the 147.120 repeater, each Tuesday at 8:45pm.
Matt, KC9UHI still hosts a HAMDig message board for discussion of All things Amateur Digital Radio.
And if you are looking to mentor a younger generation of potential hams, consider getting active with Proto GB, which meets at the Central Library.
And lastly of course, the Club meetings are held the second Thursday each month at St. Norbert College, and include a Tech/Talk that is held before the official start of the meeting, which is 7 PM. Consider volunteering to give a talk about an area of the hobby that interests you.
More information can be found on the right hand site of the website.