Saturday, July 29, 2023


CALENDAR: July 22 to August 16 July 22nd,2023

JULY 29TH: Brat Barn at the De Pere Festival, Main Street on the West Side.

AUGUST 5TH:  Special Event Station, Lighthouses On The Air. Grassy Island Range Lights , 100 Bay Beach Road at the GB Yachting Club.

AUGUST 7TH:  Special Event Station, Lighthouses On The Air, Kewaunee Pier Head Lighthouse, located at the far East End of Highway 29 at the Lake.

AUGUST 9TH:  Siren Test Net. Check latest siren list attached.

AUGUST 10TH :  GB Mike & Key Club Meeting, St Norbert College, G& M Science Building 4th Floor.

AUGUST 10TH:  Winlink Thursday : Then pick on “Winlink Thursdays”

AUGUST 15TH:  CQ  Tuesday, 11:30 – Bay Family Restaurant. 


 Brat Barn Chairperson: Keith, KS9WI, If you can help, need most folks in the morning and lunch time. Scheduled 9 to 5. Please consider purchasing some brats and/or burgers.

  Lighthouses On The Air : Chairperson Dave, N8KQS, Operating 0900 to Noon. Setting up at 0815, bring a chair, need at least 4 persons, everyone will get a chance to operate… Green Bay could have two stations (please bring the second radio / pwr supply)   Kewaunee could carpool… (

 Look for us on 20 and 40 meters xx.270

GBM&K Meeting: If there is a Tech Talk, it would be before the meeting.. Meeting time is 7PM. Enter from the Chapel side, turn left watch for the elevator on the right. go to 4th floor.

Winlink Thursday: EMCOMM-training is a group that provides training to pass messages.  Using Winlink, they show how to manipulate the forms that are within the Winlink program as well as how to send them out and receive replies. Presently, it is a once a month program. There is no cost. Messages can be sent via Telnet, HF Radio or even VHF radio. Very similar to Packet but at a higher level..

CQ Tuesday:  On the third Tuesday of the month, around 11:30 Ham radio operators and those interested, meet at the Bay Family Restaurant on the corner of Military and 9th Street for a lunch and chat.. all welcome..

Other items of interest:

  On July 20th,  Gene AB9GK, and Dave N8KQS, went to the “Shack” at St. Norbert and checked the DX3000 and the peripheral equipment to see how the settings are for possible use as a Special Event station.  The Antenna Switch worked well as well as the SWR/Power meter. Had a learning curve for setting the power levels. There was a menu adjustment to keep the CW setting from coming on with the SSB mode… this had kept the power output setting from showing up on the front of the radio. Had to set the mic gain down a little… the microphone is quite sensitive..  The auto turner worked well on 20 and 40 meters.. (did not try any others – there is not a 75 meter coil on the antenna)   

   It looks as if the radio is set for phone operation … give it a try…. 

IF you have a item of interest such as a new piece of equipment, software, gadget, or power supply  that you want to let operators know about, send it to the editor of this newsletter. Then it will be shared to those on the list..

 Stay Radio Active

Friday, July 21, 2023

Up date of radio events... July16th


  Just a few thoughts of things coming up.

   If you are about to renew or join the Amateur Radio Relay League for the first time, please consider going through the Club's Treasurer, John Wolfe. If you submit your application and send a check through him, the Club gets a donation from ARRL.. and it does not cost you any extra money...  
    Now is the time to upgrade to General... If you want to know why... go to  this link.. .

 This Tuesday July 18th is CQ Tuesday.  Lunch at the Bay Family Restaurant.. 11:30

      Saturday, July 29th, A Brat Barn at the De Pere Festival... If you can help out or come and purchase some brats or burgers, it would be great....  it will be open from 9 to 5 (10 for food) ... contact Keith @920-619-3394.

      Special Event: Lighthouses On The Air (LOTA) .. Saturday August 5th 9AM to Noon. Grassy Island Range Lights at the Yachting Club, 100 Bay Beach Road... more in a couple of days... 

      Club Picnic? --- Corn should be just right then.. It was a little concerning because of the dry weather..

Plans are in  the works for setting up for the Christmas Party.  As in  the past, it will be the Second Thursday of December.   The 14th. The location has not been solidified at this time but might be the American Legion on N. Irwin Ave as before.   More on this as it draws closer... 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Radio Happenings (Short Version) July 9th


  Pretty much put the schedule up in the Happenings last week. Just going to update this week's schedule of events as a reminder to those that will attend.. . It is a hodge podge of local items that may not pertain to some... 

   Monday Evening: Field Day recap (Hot Wash) meeting.
    Tuesday all day UTC time... State ARES Winlink check in
   Tuesday Morning ; Local (drill)  exercise 
   Tuesday Evening: ARES meeting
    Wednesday : Noon Siren Test Net ** 
    Thursday (13th): ETO Winlink Thursday Training (UTC Time) 
    Thursday Evening: GB Mike & Key Club Meeting

   Attachments: Minutes of last meeting
                         Financial report for June
                         Siren Test Net List ** 
   We have had more operators come off the HF bands because of restrictive rules in their "hood" .. What if a HF station was set up to operate remotely so they could be back on the air? If they could jointly put it together, the cost would be less prohibitive. There are other details that would need to be worked out.... huuumm .. 

   Stay Radio Active..   

    Zoom Information   
July 13th –The Tower Room, 4th floor
of the G-M Science Bldg. (elevator)
7PM. (sometimes a Tech Talk at 6:30)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile Find your local

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Radio Happenings July 5th, 2023


July 12th – Siren Test Net
July 13th- M&K Club Meeting 
July 18th – CQ Tuesday 

              LIGHTHOUSE S.E.   
           -  JOTA 3RD FULL WEEKEND
                  -ANNUAL MEETING
                 -  ELECT BOARD

  A great start to Field Day. It was sunny, warm with a slight breeze.. The camaraderie began right away with breakfast. First the long table was filled, then the round table along side, then followed by filling two of the nearby booths.. The mood and sprit was super charged. 
Leaving there, the normal route was blocked with a bridge repair but detours were easy to follow.
  Everyone pitched in to assemble the site.. antennas were lifted up or rigged and connected with coax. There was one somewhat remote site with an RV and they were up in short time. A small camper was set up with solar & batteries using some vertical antenni. 
 It was decided to operate with a possible five stations plus a GOTA station.  The CW station was set up inside the shelter.
  Everything was set and appeared ready at the 1PM start time. A couple of glitches at the EComm Trailer with high SWR because of a failed coax then the wire connection disconnected on the antenna.. Looking back, it gave a good lesson in trouble shooting but lost some transmitting time. (the antenna was checked before FD, but the problem must have exasperated when being set up.)
    About 34 signed in including some curious from the neighborhood.
  We are still adding up the points but need some pictures to validate the bonus points. (a separate email) 
  Total QSO Points – 906 with pwr factor.

 The little rain shower did not bother any of the activity. The Potluck dinner was very good with a lot folks coming to partake and enjoy the evening together. The next morning the radios were still making contacts with a shift in the propagation.    

The group closed down and began the put things away plus get the area cleaned up. Some of the members went to D2, right down the road for lunch before heading home.
   The park amenities were top notch. I  think everyone would like to come there again in the future. 
  Thanks to a lot of folks.. those that came out to help set up, those that operated, those that logged, those that brought food for the dinner, those that helped close up, those that came to participate in any way.. A good Field Day overall. Will send out a final result when it comes together..  
GreenBay Mike & Key Club Meetings:
July 13th  –The Tower Room, 4th floor of the G-M Science Bldg. (elevator) 7PM. (sometimes a Tech Talk at 6:30)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile Find your local number:


Note; The FCC is still working out some of the computer problems causing delays in renewals and new call signs.

Special Event Stations of Interest;

Jul 8, 1600Z-2300Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway Museum Ship

Bladensburg World War 1 Memorial Event "Peace Cross"
Jul 12, 1800Z-2100Z, N3TAL, Glenarden, MD. American Legion Post 275 Radio team 
Red River Bridge War Special Event
Jul 15-Jul 23, 0000Z-2359Z, W5R, Sherman, TX. Grayson County Amateur Radio Club
South Carolina Peach Festival
Jul 15-Jul 16, 0001Z-2359Z, W4W,
Apollo 11- 54 Years ago
Jul 20, 1330Z-1900Z, K2CAM, Garden City, NY. Cradle of Aviation Amateur Radio Club.
Bicentennial of the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo and 90th Anniversary of the Colombian Radio Amateurs League
Jul 22-Jul 24, 1200Z-2359Z, 5K200/5K90, Bogota, COLOMBIA. Liga Radio Bogota. All bands, all modes. Certificate & QSL
 Launch of Nuclear Ship Savannah (1959)
Jul 22, 1300Z-2100Z, K3S, Baltimore, MD. Nuclear Ship Savannah ARC.
EAA Airventure 2023 - W9ZL Special Event Station 
Jul 24-Jul 30, 1300Z-1700Z, W9ZL, Appleton, WI. Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club

 More Special Event information for the above at: and pick between July 3 and 30..

*** ***

73 Stay Radio Active