Thursday, September 7, 2023


,    CALENDAR* SEPT. 9 – SEPT. 23RD  , 2023

**SEPTEMBER 9TH:  ORC Fall Swapfest: Cedarburg, WI
SEPTEMBER 13TH: Siren Test Net ..11:45 – 12:05
SEPTEMBER 14TH  Tech Talk 6:30 B4 Meeting. RFI (RadioFreq Interference) 
SEPTEMBER 14th GB Mike & Key Club Meeting, 7PM .St Norbert College,
   G-M Science Building 4th Floor                   . 
**SEPTEMBER 22-23, HRO Superfest

 GBM&K Meeting: 
The September meeting is the one that if you have a suggested ByLaw Change, bring it in writing to the meeting. The agenda looks interesting again this month. The Minutes of the Last Meeting & Financial  will be sent out in a separate email.

**There will be a Tech Talk, at 6:30ish. The subject will be about Radio Frequency Interference. This will be presented by Paul, K9ARF.    ALSO if the Tech Talk is in progress.. either come in and be courteous and not disrupt the talk, OR wait in  the hallway until the talk is completed …  thanks.. 
Join Meeting with Zoom (give a little time for host to connect) 
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile Find your local

Possible upcoming events . .
Sept. Bylaw change submission
Oct .  Demonstration of radio at the Kewaunee Lighthouse
    :Nomination of Exec.Board/Officers : STEMpede-- Scouting event at Bear Paw Camp.
         :JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) 3rd weekend
         : Plan Christmas Party
Nov. Ham Cram
         Annual Corporation Meeting
        Election of Board/Officers

  The Kewaunee Lighthouse ,where we activated for National Lighthouse Day, is having an open house  on the weekend of October 6-8.. There is an opportunity to demonstrate Ham Radio during their open house. This would be showing how radio played an important part for ships finding the lighthouse. As well as what it is  today..  .. If interested, contact Dave, N8KQS.. 

   This Scouting event is held at Bear Paw Scout Camp near Mountain. We usually set up our EComm Trailer, string up an antenna and provide the needed means of radio communications for those working on  their Radio Merit Badge.. also tweaks  the interest of those stopping by… Scouts as well as their parents.   A one day event for us this year. This means an early start to set everything up.. 

   At the next Club meeting, the question “Will we want to participate in the Scout Jamboree  On The Air this year?” … This event is when the Scouts have an opportunity to try to contact other Scouts from around the world via Radio.. We just provide the means and mentoring  to do that. More on this at the meeting… 
Helping to -- 
Stay Radio Active