Sunday, November 6, 2022

Radio Happenings November 6th, 2022..

 Good Evening..   Here it is - Sunday afternoon.  Recently returned from the Hamfest in Kaukauna...   Nice turnout.. they had some nice door prizes which some of our Club members won... in fact, one won twice!!   ..  Congratulations!  Saw a lot of familiar faces and callsigns, which is why these are more of a social event..   There were some on the selling side of the tables as well.. I was still selling off some of the Baofeng radios and accessories. The pile got smaller.. The funds collected are earmarked for the Club Treasury.  There are some headphones available as well with microphones... 
  The Happenings does not have much news, but more of reminders of the importance of the upcoming meeting with the election of Board Members ( should not have said "election" ... is it me or is everyone getting tired of the barrage ?) but leadership is important for all groups. You will see the present slate of nominations in the Minutes of the Last Meeting... More nominations can still be added to the list but please be sure the person you are nominating is willing to accept the nomination and the position.  A big thank you goes out to our present Board who has served us well over the past year ...   
    According to the ByLaws, you are able to vote by proxy.. If you know someone that is going to the meeting, send them an email or letter, allowing them to vote for you. They may need to present the letter of proxy to get to vote for you..  (sort of like an Absentee ballot)   Please do not vote for me as I will be removing my nomination.  I am busy enough with the newsletter and the webpage.  I have served in the past and need to pass the baton on..  but willing to assist where needed .. 
      Last month we found that the WIFI at the meeting location may not reach into the area where the Club meeting is being held.  So if you cannot link into the Zoom. that is why..... 
        I hope that if you know someone that is looking to upgrade and does not know of the testing taking place on the 12th, you let them know that testing for all levels will take place at 3 PM after the HamCram at St. N...  

   Radio Happenings  November 6th, 2022..
November 9th – Siren Test Net
November 10th – Mike&Key Club Meeting
November 12th- HAM CRAM.. VE TESTING
November 15th – CQ Tuesday
November 24th – Thanksgiving 
December 8th – Club Christmas Party

Club Meetings:***
  For the November meeting, the meetings will be 7PM and held on the second floor of The Brick House. 500 Grant Street, W.De Pere. (Elevator) This meeting is a very important one with the nominations and election of those to be on the next year’s Executive Board. This is the second of the nominations. Be sure to read the minutes of the last meeting to catch up on who was nominated and what else may come up for discussion..
      This is the November Annual Corporation Meeting. Any proposed  ByLaw changes will be voted on also.  
    One of the proposed ByLaw changes could change the number of Board Members.

Zoom Links: 
gbmk club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
Find your local phone number:
Just be aware that the WIFI at the November meeting location may not reach to where the meeting is.. but save this link for the rest of the year’s meetings. The date of the Christmas Party is the normal meeting date, so there will not be a meeting that month. 

  Also, save this link!! It will be the same for each meeting in 2023 !!

***Continue your membership … go to the K9EAM.ORG web site… fill out a membership form.. you can find the link on the righthand side of the site .. dues are due now until December to stay as not delinquent  . You can pay with credit card by picking on the PayPal logo from the website or mail your check to Mike & Key Club, P.O.Box 13351, Green Bay, WI 54307

      Things  that we have historically scheduled:
November : Annual Meeting – Elect Board Members   
December: Christmas Party – Officers positions chosen.
Winter Field Day..
January:  Set up chairpersons for : 1.Wis. QSO party. 2. Banquet 3. 
Hamfest. 4. Brat Barn. 4. Field Day.    5. Picnic.  
If we do not have a chairperson, it will not happen.. ! Are you able to help? 
December 8th: Annual Christmas Party at the American Legion Post – So far, this will be a Pot Luck dinner (Dish to pass) event. The White Elephant gift exchange – bring one-get one. (more information later) 

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