Monday, February 5, 2024

Radio Happenings 2.5.2024


A letter from the Club President, Bill, KB3KYH.. 

At the January meeting we talked a lot about our plans for 2024 club activities.  Now, thanks to the efforts of several club members, these plans are taking shape. 

·         The Wisconsin QSO Party is coming up on March 10. Operate from your home QTH or join other club members at a field location to be discussed at the February meeting.

·         The annual banquet is scheduled for March 16 with the location to be finalized at the meeting.  (Don’t forget to send Dave KD9HJJ your nominations for Ham of the Year). 

·         The Hamcram is set for April 13.

·         The Saint Norbert College 125th Anniversary Special Event will take place on April 27.

·         Field Day Planning is moving along well.  After a hiccup on our original location, the Field Day Committee is narrowing down other options that sound like they will more than meet our needs. 

·         Hamfest actions have kicked off and we recently received ARRL approval as an “ARRL sanctioned event,” with an announcement coming in the May issue of QST
·         In addition to all this, we will soon know the dates for our Festival Brat Barns.

All this good news means we’re in a position to have an active year…it also means we’ll need volunteers…and plenty of us…to have successful and enjoyable events.  So, when the sign-up sheets start going around, please add your name to the list.

Please come to the February meeting so we can “discuss and decide” on things. (I felt a little funny writing that, because I won’t be at the meeting, so Dave KD9HJJ will handle things.)  Get there at 6:30 in time for the Tech Talk to be presented by Paul, KB0P.  The topic will be “Ham Shack Hotline” …it’ll be a good one.
Contact me if you have any questions, or recommendations to improve our club.


Bill, KB3KYH

(302) 537-4755

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