Have you noticed that the rain stops just long enough for us to cut the grass? Hope everyone found some time to enjoy some of the Independence Day weekend.. Radio conditions have been remaining just about the same this month but just every once in a while, there is an opening and all is good again..
Did you make it out to Field Day? If you did, I’m sure you had a great time. Despite a lot of rain during our set up, everybody pitched in to put up the antennas and get powered-up, in time to go “radio active”. The bands weren’t too cooperative, but we still made lots of contacts. Probably the most fun was in the conversations and visiting among those of us who were there. (A much bigger crowd than last year…) In many ways, that’s one of the compelling features of Field Day. That and the food. Thanks to Chef Paul, KB0P we enjoyed some very tasty burgers and brats that went well with the many dishes brought in by the members. Special thanks to Gene, AB9GK, Wes, W9WES, Dave, N8KQS and everybody else who helped make this a big success. There is one other member who went above and beyond to make sure things were “just right” and that’s Arlene Radtke, KC9CDX. She got there early on Saturday and made sure the facility was clean and organized and ready for our event. Thank you, Arlene! We’ll have a complete Field Day report at our July meeting.
As you may recall, we have a Brat Barn scheduled for Saturday July 13. This one will be at the East Side Festival on Steffens Court, next to Menard’s in Green Bay. Keith, KS9WI needs volunteers, so be sure to let him know you if can come out and help. Working a Brat Barn is fun and a good way to meet fellow club members. The money we’ll earn from this event will go towards repairs to the club communications trailer. We’ll go over the details at the July 11th club meeting.
I hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday, July 11th. The agenda items will include Field Day after action report, the July Brat Barn, Lighthouse activations, and the club picnic. Be there for the Tech Talk at 6:30. This month’s Tech Talker will be Walt, KE9TT who will be telling us about wire antennas.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions about our club.
See you at the meeting…73,
Bill, KB3KYH
(302) 537-4755
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