Welcome to May! Summery things are beginning. Flowers, leaves, Hamfests, antennas, more POTA activity. Which brings us to what the Club has done recently and what is coming up.
#We had the sad news of the passing of one of our more active members, Robert Duescher, KA9XG. He was well known in the Ham World as well as the steam, tractor groups. A super mechanic helping anyone that needed help. He kept a very prolific garden and made maple syrup in the spring. He was a friend that will not be easily forgotten.
#The Brat Barn, led by Keith, KS9WI was very successful as you will see when you read the financial report attached to the newsletter.
#Talking about the newsletter.... We started having problems again with being blocked because of the volume of letters going out considering being spam. We split the list into two groups to get around that but still have some returns.. The next steps maybe two fold.. still cut more of the none members from the list and/or make a third group. So if you find that are not receiving the newsletter, check the Spam folder & let me know. Although this can be a problem, it is sort of a nice problem with having more members//
#Sharing radio information helps us all. Keeps us up to date and on the air. Recently, I was able to share a website which I heard about from a SWL operator in Europe when he sent a request for a certificate for hearing our Special Event a couple of weekends ago. He heard us by going to https://rx-tx.info/map-sdr- points . If you zoom down the circles multiply and if you pick a balloon, you can get multiple monitoring stations... So if you do not have a HF radio, you can monitor from here...
#We had a Special Event celebrating 100 yrs of radio at St. Norbert College in De Pere. Thanks to all the operators that came. There were three stations. We were able to set up antennas on the two decks along side the meeting room. Too bad the conditions were not favorable.. But we had slightly less than ninety contacts.. Thanks to Tom, K9EDD and Gene, AB9GK for spearheading this event.. Also have to mention that the donated snacks were very well appreciated ... even had some homemade goodies. What made the day.. Visited by the College President and her husband.
#Those of you that are looking a getting an interface for your radio for rig control and some digital... Digi Rig is about to come out with a new product half the size of the one now. This one will eliminate one of the cables by plugging directly into the USB port.. to find out more just search for Digirig. I use one now with my G90...
** note.. Fox Hunts have not be scheduled at the time of this letter.
May 8th -Siren Test Net.. List attached to newsletter.
May 9th - GBM&K Meeting - Tech Talk at 6:30PM -Meeting 7PM.
May 12th- MOTHER'S DAY...
May 17 - 19 Hamvention in Dayton Ohio...
May19th - The Last Cellcomm Marathon..
June 1st.. Saturday, Ham Fest .. All hands on deck..
June 12th - Siren Test Net
June 13th. Thur. GB Mike & Key Meeting June 15th Saturday, Brat Barn at De Pere Festival
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