Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Radio Happenings June 5th, 2023

 JUNE 8TH  – GB M&K Club Meeting 
 JUNE 10TH – Burlington Freefest
 JUNE 14TH – Siren Test Net
 JUNE 17TH – Sunshine Swap Fest, Neenah

  Not sure who was in charge of the weather committee for the Hamfest, but they sure deserve a big round of applause.. Even on the day before- while the crews were unloading Tower Electronics and Wolf River Coil into the hall, the weather was good… hot, but good.. 
   This year, the event was co-chaired by Dave, KD9HJJ and Todd, W9GRB.. Our liaison to the facility was Randy, W9HAM..
   The outdoor tailgate sale area was filled and had a lot of good comments. Talking about  that area, thanks goes out to Mike, W9MWP for setting up the announcement speakers outside. 
   It seemed as if we would never run out of door prizes and congrats to those  that won the bucket prizes with those nice batteries.. Thanks  to all the vendors that contributed to the prizes. 
   Of course, this would not have been such a success without all our volunteers… in the food area, the ticket sales, the parking lot, the bucket prize area, the announcers and those that were the “all-around-doing-what-ever-is-needed” people… 

OK.. looking forward to Field Day, how about you?? June 24-25
Four Seasons Park in Hobart. 
  Be sure to see the ARRL QST or  their website to get all  the information on Field Day..  the rules, the what to bring check off list, and if you are bringing a laptop for logging and are using the N3FJP software, be sure to update  the program.. if you are already a subscriber, the update is free..  Check out the rig control on their logging program, it will do some fill in to save some  time… 

 It really gets dark out there when the sun goes down so be sure to bring a light of some kind to see your way around and to see your radio and logging.. Hope you can stop by and operate at least for a while. We will be there all night unless we get flashes in the sky.    Share a radio. 
 We will be posting some schedule for that  event.…Pre -event Saturday breakfast at Bay Family restaurant 8:30ish… going to the park 10AM… setting up stations… linking the logging laptops..

Potluck dinner on Saturday evening ..Cooking at 5:30 dinner at 6ish Some Brats and hot dogs will be furnished but you can bring your own meat to cook if you wish - and some liquid refreshment, Please bring a food item to share..

 A lot of this information will most likely be discussed at the meeting this Thursday.

   If you are planning on coming to Field Day to operate and/or the Saturday Potluck… let Wes, W9WES or Gene, AB9GK know your intent.. Thanks

 GreenBay Mike&Key Club Meetings:
June 8th  –The Tower Room, 4th floor of the G-M Science Bldg. (elevator) 7PM. (sometimes a Tech Talk at 6:30)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 2084 1730
Passcode: 240648
One tap mobile Find your local number:

The HF system is operable. Please be sure all switches are in the proper position before keying up. Remember that the HF antenna 
does not have 80meters capability..  Phase two will have the antennas, coax grounded and have arrestors installed .. (unknown date at this time, but soon)  The VHF/UHF radio had the antenna switch and dummy load installed as well but the antenna is NOT hooked up to the switch because it is attached to the D Star repeater. You can familiarize yourself with the radios by using the dummy load.
   The VE group held a testing session during the Hamfest at Our Savior Lutheran School. I may not have heard the whole result, but it seems as if K9EDD’s grandson made Tech, and Luke, W9LON achieved the General Class.. and I believe someone took the Extra and passed.. Congratulations to all that took the tests.. Even though they may not have passed they showed the willingness to try.. .. If I missed someone, I will try to get it recognized in the next newsletter.. 

**Because the month began on a Thursday, the siren test net will be next week.. but if you are out and about any Wednesday and observe a siren let us know so we can mark it down and pass the info to the Emergency Management .
**73 Stay Radio Active

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