January - Purchased an Open Tracker unit for use of the Club.. Mostly used at Bike and Marathons for tracking key personnel. We also purchased a radio that was to be raffled off at the Annual Banquet. There were a number of pieces of equipment donated to the club. A silent auction for those items then took place over the next month.
March - Participated in the Wisconsin QSO Party. Dennis and Bob presented APRS to the members. The Club Banquet was held and Kevin KB9SNE received the Ham of the Year award. The Skywarn Training took place at St. Norbert by the NWS.
April - We participated in the Statewide Tornado Awareness Drill. Sold Brats and Burgers to the public. Nick demonstrated Flex Radio to the membership.
May - Began our first Fox Hunt of the year. They continued through the summer. The Cell Comm Marathon had 45 ham operators communicating with the medical staff. The D-Star repeater was relocated to Scray’s hill. The VE group was busy again with two class upgrades and a new licensee.
Putting Newsline on the air again on the Tuesday Net was approved. A request was made by St. Mathew’s School for a demonstration of Ham radio. The Comm Trailer and three operators were there for the Demo. Also the second Brat Barn. Presentation on Remote control by Bob and Steve.
June - Phil gave a presentation on The Quarter Century Club. Field Day was located at the Elks Lodge. The dinner on Saturday evening was well attended. The results of Field Day showed that we came in third in the State of Wisconsin.
August - Provided communications for the Emergency Management Dept at their Airport Disaster Exercise. Communications from the airport to all the hospitals in Green Bay as well as three buses and a shelter area. The Club Picnic was held at Wequiock Falls. The old UHF antenna was replaced and was donated to the W9OSL Radio group.
September - Round table discussion on station grounding practices. The new firmware on the repeater controller seems to be working good. A Mesh WIFI unit was installed on the “hill”. Al Janelle W9CEA was presented a plaque for his over 25 years of Net Control on the Siren Test Net.
October - Participated with the Boy Scouts in setting up communications at Legion Park in De Pere to have the scouts communicate with other scouts around the country.. Interest increased in the Mesh System. The club purchased a Ubiquiti bullet and wire mesh antenna for use by the club members in trying the system out. A round table discussion took place on batteries and charging them.
November.. Phil W3TOS discussed QRP radio communications. Elections were held and the following were elected to the Executive Board: Nick KB9UAE, John W0LFE, Pat WA9RFT, Bob KB8ZXE, Roy N9ARM, Kevin KB9SNE and David N8KQS.
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